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Are You A Spirited Adventurer?

Yellowstone geothermal

{spir-i-ted} {ad-ven-cher-er}

~ enthusiastic seeker of outdoor experiences

~ enjoyer of post adventure spirits and cheer

Welcome to The Spirited Adventurer, where outdoor enthusiasts can share their stories, ideas, knowledge and questions about skiing, surfing, hiking, camping, biking and all expressions of outdoor life.

I’m Steve Orne, a Spirited Adventurer. I’m happiest when immersed in activities in the great outdoors. There’s nothing like nature to soothe the soul and reset the psyche.

At The Spirited Adventurer we honor the tradition of raising a glass to salute adventures past and future. “Campsite Cocktails” features recipes for easy, delicious cocktails that can be enjoyed at camp, the tailgate, the boat, the dock, the beach, anywhere you choose to celebrate.

Finally, we advocate that “age is a mindset.” Beauty and wonder is found in life’s simplest things. It’s never too late to begin an adventure. We’ll share strategies to keep us adventuring with a healthy mind, body and soul. Yoga, meditation, conditioning, diet and a host of other strategies will be explored.

Thanks for dropping in. Cheers y’all,


Grand Targhee Telemark Steve Orne

Steve Orne

I’m the author of Spirited Adventurer. The first adventure I felt compelled to write about involved a harrowing and life-threatening chase by pirates in the Caribbean back in 2014. (read the post if you like that sort of thing) I enjoyed documenting other adventures and activities on social media and decided to expand that format to this blog. I hope you’ll follow me and the social accounts of “Campsite Cocktails,” Age is a Mindset” and “Spirited Adventurer.” … more

Scott's Bluff Horse Kiss

Campsite Cocktails

There’s nothing like easing into camp after a great day enjoying nature. “Campsite Cocktails” is devoted to crafting fine but simple drinks to enjoy after an adventure. That may be at the beach, the campsite, the boat or your own backyard. After helping to launch a Rum brand, I found myself frequently creating cocktails for all kinds of events … sailing regattas, concerts, golf outings, SUP races, etc. … more

South Dakota Bad Lands Dispersed Camping

Age Is A Mindset

One thing I’ve never embraced is the notion of “acting your age.” Why do we lose the impulse to dance at every opportunity or to sing made up silly songs throughout the day? Sure, we all have responsibilities and need to do “grown up” stuff but does that other personality need to perish? I wouldn’t say “I’m a lost boy” but, I won’t grow up. “Age is a Mindset” explores and celebrates keeping our minds, bodies and perspectives young. … more

Yellowstone geo thermal

Spirited Adventurer

Are you an enthusiastic seeker of outdoor experiences? Is nature calling? We love the adventure that comes with exploring and recreating on this great planet. Surfing, skiing, mountain biking, hiking, camping, fishing, sailing, any of these activities breeds adventure. We’d love to hear what you’ve been up to. The “Spirited Adventurer” hopes to create a community of folks who share the joy of living an active outdoor lifestyle. … more

Grand Tetons and log cabin

Don’t miss out on a lifetime of adventure … be the Spirited Adventurer